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[url target=target]address[/url]
[url=address target=target]title[/url]
The [url] tag, which is available in two different forms, allows you to insert links to
external documents. In the first form, it simply marks the URL as a link:
[url]http://www.google.com[/url] --> http://www.google.com
In the second form, you can specify the text to appear within the link:
[url=http://www.google.com]Google![/url] --> Google!
Note that for safety's sake, the [url] tag will only accept local (relative) URLs,
and URLs that use the http:, https:, ftp:, or mailto: protocols.
In particular, it will not accept any URL that uses the javascript: protocol;
this limitation is for security reasons, and can prevent code injection on your site. NBBC
also performs static checks on the given URL to ensure that it is legal: For example, it knows
that http://foo is not a legal URL and will not allow it.
The target= parameter mirrors that of the HTML <a> element, and allows
the link to open in a different window or frame. It accepts all of the standard window names
that the <a> element's target= parameter accepts, including "_blank",
"_self", "_parent", and "_top", as well as specifically-named windows
and frames.
(Note: for security reasons, the target= parameter is disabled by default, and must
be manually enabled using the BBCode::SetURLTargetable()
function for this parameter to be usable in your BBCode. See BBCode::SetURLTargetable()
for more details.)
The [email] tag lets you easily insert someone's e-mail address. Like the
[url] tag, it is available in two forms. In the first form, it simply marks the e-mail address as a link:
[email]billg@microsoft.com[/email] --> billg@microsoft.com
In the second form, you can specify the text to appear within the link:
[email=billg@microsoft.com]Bill G.[/email] --> Bill G.
For safety's sake, NBBC performs static checks on the given e-mail address to ensure that it is legal:
For example, it knows that john@foo is not a legal e-mail address and will not allow it.
[wiki="name" title="title"]
The [wiki] tag is used internally by NBBC when it encounters a [[wiki]] tag (see
the section on wiki tags for more details): The [[wiki]] tag
is converted into a [wiki] tag, which is then converted into a URL based on the
address of the installed wiki. Like the [url] tag, it is available in two forms.
In the first form, it simply marks the wiki name as a link:
[[The White House]] --> The White House
[wiki="The White House"] --> The White House
In the second form, you can specify the text to appear within the link:
[[The White House|1600 Pennsylvania Avenue]] --> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
[wiki="The White House" title="1600 Pennsylvania Avenue"] --> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Both of these are considerably shorter and easier to use than the [url]-based version, which is why wiki-links exist:
[[The White House]] --> The White House
[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_White_House]The White House[/url]
--> The White House
The [wiki] tag does not have an end tag.
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