V. Standard BBCode Library

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H. Lists


The [list] tag is designed for creating lists of things. In its default form, where no type is given, it creates a simple bullet-point list, like this:

[list] [*]John [*]Mary [*]Bill [*]Sue [/list]
  • John
  • Mary
  • Bill
  • Sue

Notice that while you do need to have an ending [/list] tag, you don't need to have an ending [/*] tag for each [*] tag; this makes creating lists somewhat simpler.

You can also create numbered lists by specifying what type of list you want; for example, if you want a numbered list, use type "1", or for an alphabetic list, use type "A", or for Roman numerals, use type "i". Two examples are shown below:

[list=1] [*]John [*]Mary [*]Bill [*]Sue [/list]
  1. John
  2. Mary
  3. Bill
  4. Sue
[list=A] [*]John [*]Mary [*]Bill [*]Sue [/list]
  1. John
  2. Mary
  3. Bill
  4. Sue

NBBC supports a wide variety of different kinds of list types, and matches capabilities, more-or-less, with the various list styles defined in the CSS 2.1 standard. A complete list of supported types is given below:

TypeDescriptionExampleCSS equivalent
1Ordered list using Arabic numerals1, 2, 3...decimal
01Ordered list using numbers with a leading zero01, 02, 03..., 10, 11...decimal-leading-zero
AOrdered list using capital lettersA, B, C...upper-alpha
aOrdered list using lowercase lettersa, b, c...lower-alpha
IOrdered list using capital Roman numeralsI, II, III, IV...upper-roman
iOrdered list using lowercase Roman numeralsi, ii, iii, iv...lower-roman
greekOrdered list using lowercase Greek lettersα, β, γ...lower-greek
armenianOrdered list using Armenian numberingarmenian
georgianOrdered list using Georgian numberingan, ban, gan...georgian
circleUnordered list using circle-bullets
discUnordered list using disc-bullets
squareUnordered list using square-bullets

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